About Us
Founded in 1919, we are the longest-running independent provider of training in Foot Health in the UK, with a reputation for excellence in teaching and pastoral support.
We proudly offer the only University Credit Rated Foot Health Course in the UK. Our FHP Diploma is Credit Rated by Queen Margaret University at 60 Higher Education Credits at Level 4.
Additionally, we are the only UK Private Higher Education Sector provider that offers a BSc (Hons) Podiatry degree program in the UK (validated by Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh). Students who successfully complete their FHP diploma with us have the option to then train further with us to obtain full HCPC registration as a Podiatrist.

Insurance & Accreditation
We provide medical indemnity insurance & offer a variety of high-quality CPD subjects to help enhance practitioners’ clinical expertise.
We are committed to developing and supporting our Students and Members, be they FHPs or Podiatrists. For those Podiatrists who were grand parented (or trained outside the UK) we offer a Diploma in Prescription Only Medicines and a Local Anaesthesia Diploma (both approved by the HCPC).

Our Facilities
Our extensive clinics (15 bays) include a surgical facility, sterilising facilities, a dedicated microbiology laboratory, and a biomechanics suite where students study stance and gait analysis.
Study Areas
Our buildings are all fully air-conditioned and with complimentary Wi-Fi available in all areas. We have a range of lecture theatres, break-out rooms, reading rooms, and student common rooms. The largest lecture theatre has the capacity to seat 100 and is equipped with a PA system, a raised stage, 2.4 square meters screen.