Nail Surgery
This course is aimed at HCPC registrants who are either LA qualified (or in the process of obtaining LA certification) with the appropriate level of insurance.
The course is divided into 3 parts:
Part 1: (Theory)
Open Distance Learning (ODL) reading materials that provide the underpinning principles, indications and contraindications of nail surgery, as well as a review of the principles if local anaesthesia.
Part 2: (Clinical Day 1)
Tutor led revision of the ODL material, infection control procedures and use of multi-media presentations to teach partial nail avulsion techniques. Supervised hands on practice on prosthetic toes.
Part 3: (Clinical Day 2)
Supervised practitioner / patient sessions. The student / tutor ration will be kept low to ensure optimum outcomes for both patients and students.
Please contact Andrew Hill for dates and availability:
The Smae Institute
The New Hall
Contact us for more details